Monday, March 10, 2014

Solar Sweet Maple Farm - Pancake Breakfast

I had such a great time photographing Solar Sweet Maple Farms first Pancake Breakfast event on Saturday March 8th.  An event that brought more than 172 neighbors, friends and family together for conversation and smiles.  A delicious breakfast included scrambled eggs, maple kielbasa, fruit, home fries, juice, coffee and of course PANCAKES all served family style.  It was such a great way to celebrate the start of sugaring season!

Solar Sweet Maple Farm, owned and operated by Tom and Rhonda Gadhue, is nestled in the mountains of South Lincoln, Vermont.  They are situated on 200 acres of managed forested land and tap 16,000 beautiful maple trees.

Their mission is to "put a green twist on an old Vermont tradition" by creating an inviting , environmentally friendly, energy efficient, and self-sustaining sugaring operation.  Solar Sweet Maple Farm is powered by a 12.5 kw solar field, made from recycled and energy efficient materials, and heated from the wood harvested from their property.

In addition to creating this "new green twist on an old Vermont tradition" they have created a warm inviting atmosphere in their sugarhouse where people come to visit and comfortably stay while watching sap being boiled into maple syrup.  You can also enjoy a maple treat from a beautiful custom farmers table or sit up at the counter to get a bird's eye view of the sugar making process.

If you haven't had the chance to visit this beautiful sugarhouse, stop by!  They love visitors!!